The Witch

What Is a Witch?

This is a difficult question because there are literally hundreds of different kinds of witches, and witchcraft traditions can vary wildly from place to place and person to person. However, the kind of witch I am talking about is pretty straightforward: a witch is a wise woman (or man) who uses energy to make things happen. Be aware that people are rarely born into witchcraft, despite what some people claim. Witchcraft is a path you choose to follow. Even if you have all the characteristics described here, that doesn’t mean you have to tread that path. It’s all about choice.

Physical Signs or Characteristics of a Witch There’s no way to simply look at a person to determine whether or not they are a witch. However, some of a witch’s inner characteristics might cause visual clues. You like to wear black. Seriously, witches can wear anything and the black clothes thing? Well that’s just an affectation.

These days, modern witches wear what they like. However, black and red stripy tights are a must… just kidding (says the woman with two pairs in her hosiery drawer). You prefer silver to gold. Witches like silver because it is the color of the moon. Silver is soft and gleamy, whereas gold is brash and loud. Silver whispers; gold shouts. You’re always collecting things. Unusual pebbles, shells, strange twisted sticks, bird feathers, bones, coins, scraps of fabric or paper, old stuff, things other people wouldn’t give a second glance to. And cats or other animals.

You are drawn to animals, and they are drawn to you. You have a natural rapport with creatures. Not only domestic animals, but wild ones, too. You accumulate objects that reveal your witchiness. The books on your bookshelf, contents of your cupboards, animals that surround you, and other random objects and curios you collect all hint at your inner truth.

After You’ve Determined You’re a Witch…What Next? Well, possibly nothing. If you don’t want to be a witch, you can carry on just as you are, with the added layer of knowledge that you are slightly different from those around you. Or you could choose to discover more about the path you’ve unexpectedly found yourself treading.

To develop your natural inclinations further and explore your own witchy potential, you could research the various traditions out there, including Native American, Celtic, Norse, and British Trads, Wicca, Voodoo, and Fairy and Solitary, to name just a few. You may want to find others like yourself and maybe embark on an initiation path, which is like a college degree for witches.

There are many choices before you. For now, though, I recommend you take it slowly. Read all you can, and find out where your interests lie and what makes your heart sing. Above all, enjoy the knowledge that you could be a witch. Do remember what I said earlier: Witchcraft is a path you choose to take.

It’s not compulsory. Many people have been asking what’s the best way to proceed. I’ve written another article to attempt to answer this: I Think I’m a Witch; What Are the Next Steps? If you have any other questions that I can answer with an article, please let me know in the comments section.

Note: I get lot of questions asking the same thing: What do I do next? The answer is right there in that section and the additional link, above. Please read through all the answers and comments to see if I have already given the answer you’re looking for.

Frequently Asked Questions How can I learn to practice witchcraft? Witchcraft, the practice of magick to achieve an end that cannot simply be achieved through normal means, takes a lot of practice. To start learning how to use energy to make things happen, read How to Become a Witch and Practice Witchcraft. If I’m a witch, how do I begin doing all the things witches do? Along with studying, researching, reading extensively, and learning about spells, there are many practices you can incorporate into your daily rituals.

Read 50 Ways to Be a Witch Every Day and pick one or two rituals to add to your routine. What kind of witch am I: green witch, white witch, hedge witch, word witch, shaman, etc.?

Part of every witch’s education is learning about all the different types of witches there are. Read What Kind of Witch Are You? 60 Witchcraft Traditions for more information. How can I spot a modern-day witch? You can’t. She might not wear black, she won’t carry a broom or wear a hat. She’ll look just like you or me or anyone on the street.

“She” might even be a man. How do I know if I’m a wizard or male witch? We don’t usually use the term “wizard,” as it is a different thing altogether. Neither do we use “warlock” or “magician.” A male witch is basically a male witch, though there aren’t many, and the signs listed above would apply to them, too. They would probably also describe themselves as Wiccan or pagan. Is being a witch the same thing as being pagan or Wiccan?

“Pagan” is a broad term that describes anyone following an earth-based spiritual path. “Wiccan” is a specific religious path that falls under the umbrella term of witchcraft. So some pagans might be witches, but all Wiccans are witches. If you think you might be pagan and want to learn more, read 7 Signs You Are a Pagan.

Do I have to be related to witches to be a witch myself? No, you don’t. Despite what some claim, people are rarely born into witchcraft. It is a path you choose to follow, not a hereditary thing. Am I too young to be a witch? To become a witch, you need to have life experience and maturity. I strongly discourage children from attempting to practice witchcraft. If you think you want to follow the path when you are ready, read Can a Young Teen Be a Witch?

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